
2010/5/25 17:32:02 作者:随风 来源:女物情感网



  《金西(金赛)报告──人类男性性行为》中国,作者:阿尔弗莱德·金赛 翻译:潘绥铭




   《他们的世界——中国男同性恋群落透视》,中国,作者:李银河,1992年,香港天地图书公司 (合著)

  《酷儿理论——西方90年代性思潮》中国,作者:李银河,2000年,时事出版社 (译文集)

  《你如此需要安慰——关于爱的对话》中国,作者:李银河   《中国同性恋研究》中国,刘达临、鲁龙光主编,中国社会出版社,2005年1月第1版



  《酷儿理论》中国,作者:(美)葛尔·罗宾等,李银河 译,文化艺术出版社,2003-7-1










  《中国同性恋实录》, (繁体字), Pink Triangle Press:香港 (1984; 二版 1997), by: Samshasha (假名, 中文笔名:Xiaomingxiong)   《25 Questions about Homosexuality》, (中文), Pink Triangle Press: 香港, 1981. by: Samshasha (假名, 中文笔名:Xiaomingxiong)   ?A Chinese Gay's Manifesto?, (中文), 香港,1980. by: Samshasha (假名, 中文笔名:Xiaomingxiong)


  Bernstein, Mary. 1997. Celebration and Suppression: The Strategic Uses of Identity by the Lesbian and Gay Movement. American Journal of Sociology 103, no. 3: 531-65.

  Bernstein, Mary. 2002. The Contradictions of Gay Ethnicity: Forging Identity in Vermont. In Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State, edited by David S. Meyer, Nancy Whittier, and Belinda Robnett, 85-104. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Chao, Yengning. 1996. Embodying the Invisible Body Politics in Constructing Contemporary Taiwanese Lesbian Identities. Ph.D. diss., Cornell University.

  Cohn, Steven F., and James E. Gallagher. 1984. Gay Movements and Legal Change: Some Aspects of the Dynamics of a Social Problem. Social Problems 32, no. 1: 72-86.

  de Monteflores, Carmen, and Stephen J. Schultz. 1978. Coming Out: Similarities and Differences for Lesbians and Gay Men. Journal of Social Issues 34, no. 3: 59-72.

  D'Emilio, John. 1983. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

  Fausto-Sterling, Sexing the Body: Basic Books, 2000

  Gamson, Joshua. 1989. Silence, Death, and Invisible Enemy: AIDS Activism and Social Movement Newness. Social Problems 36: 351-67.

  Jenness, Valerie. 1995. Social Movement Growth, Domain Expansion, and Framing Processes: The Gay/Lesbian Movement and Violence Against Gays and Lesbians as a Social Problem. Social Problems 42: 145-70.

  Money, John. Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation, New York : Oxford University Press, 1988

  Peabody, Carolyn Grace. 1998. All Things Not Being Equal: The Development of Lesbian Political Identity. Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook.

  Rybicki, Walter Neal. 1994. The Gay Identity in the Age of AIDS. Ph.D. diss., University of California, San Francisco .

  Taylor, Verta, and Nicole C. Raeburn. 1995. Identity Politics as High-risk Activism: Career Consequences for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Sociologists. Social Problems 42: 252-73.

  Weinberg, George 1972 Society and the Healthy Homosexual
